Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Walk, Walk, Walk

For the first time in my entire life, I did something that I thought I could not do......

As Sydney approaches summer, we have longer days and the sun only sets at about 8pm. The weather is beautiful - mild heat, cool winds, purple jacaranda trees are everywhere! Just last week, WM suggested that we should walk home - which many Aussies tend to do during good days. We have some friends who jog home for more than 10km after work or they go to the gym during lunchtime... basically, the people here are sports/exercise fanatics!

Anyway, I thought it was a great idea since we hardly exercise except for our weekend walks to Balmoral Beach or to buy groceries in Spit Junction. So, yesterday we packed our Nike shoes and I was excited about the walk. I made sure work was completed by 5.30pm and the weather was perfect!! Instead of taking the pre-planned route, we decided to do otherwise - we went through some hilly areas across North Sydney and the view was spectacular!! OK ok ok... i did complain as there were some challenging hikes, up the hills... i was like "oh my goodness, when will we ever reach home??!?!".... anyway, after 30mins of walking uphill, we were back on our usual route - i was so so relieved!! All in all, it was a 7km walk and it took us 1 hour to get home but the exercise was really good... and i thought it was impossible!!hehehe...
WM is very "semangat" now - so, we'll be doing this twice/3 times a week. It feels good man... coming from someone (me la!!) who worked across from KLCC and did not walk across to Isetan and instead drove in to KLCC.... hahahahaha.... what a change!!

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